Step 1
Scan Patient

Step 2
Scan Model

Step 3
Plan Surgery

Step 4
Print Guide

Step 5
Place Implant
All Surgical Guides are produced using advanced digital manufacturing technologies. The surgical guides are generated by the Guide planning Software based upon the clinician’s virtual planning of the optimal location of the dental implants in the patient’s jaw bone. The software uses the dentist’s approved treatment plan to design and produce a customized surgical guide that simplifies the drilling process and guides the dentist to place the implant in the precise location as planned.
Once designed, the guides are produced automatically without any intervention by the technician, on our state-of-the-art 3D printer. They are manufactured out of a photopolymer resin approved for biomedical applications and the titanium drill sleeves are manually inserted before the guide is shipped to the doctor non-sterile.